Progress Reports

11/08 Progress Report

Everyone attended class. We've delegated things everyone needs to do for the video (pictures, stats, etc). The entire group will meet Monday at 3:30 in the library to edit the video. All members researched SEO, looked for pictures and facts for the video. Everyone also logged into the Twitter and Facebook to slightly "clean-up" anything that didn't need to be there and post to the pages and follow people that are relevant to our topic. Taylor also worked on getting "buttons" integrated into our sites.

When researching the SEO everyone agreed that we would pay close attention to where people are from that are looking at our sites. For those who are looking at the site from anywhere other than WV we will make sure to cater to them while also trying to get more local awareness.
Videos We Found Interesting:

11/1 Progress Report

Shelby Schwab and Miranda Norman were the only two group members who attended class today.

Today in class we decided on the premise for the video. The video will consist of people doing everyday tasks the not "green" way and then they get a redo to do the task the "green" way. Everyone's task for next class is to film themselves or an actor to do their assigned tasks. They need to also bring in a fact about what would happen if the task is not done the green way.

We also decided on the Facebook, Twitter, and blog posts. To make it easier we decided to have everyone post to these tools every day of the week. Post to your tab on the blog also.
Taylor - Monday
Miranda - Tuesday
Natalie - Wednesday
Shelby - Thursday
Kira - Friday

10/25 Progress Report

For today's class we worked on:
1. Organizing our Blogger by adding tabs and assigning each member a tab
2. A Facebook website was made
3. An "About Me" was made for the Facebook and Twitter accounts
4. Each member looked at videos to get ideas for our own Recycling Awareness video

This video was made by college students and also talks about some of the same awareness ideas that we've had:

This video would be interesting to mimic if we replaced things about soldiers and replaced it with college students:

 Created progress report and blog tabs (home, campus, local awareness, organizing) and descriptions
 Found this video,, a funny short film made by OSU students to raise awareness for recycling. resource for setting up our blog-they offer interesting links and services (a feature that lets you type in any item and provides a description on how to re-use it)

This is a video that is not directly related to recycling, but it is an explanation on how to organize at home. By organizing things like food, pans, and paper you can maximize the use of the product creating less need to buy new product constantly. website explains the proper types of bins needed for recycling at home. Recycling is very simple if it is done the right way.
I also researched tips on how to make food last longer so it does not go bad as quickly eliminating the need to buy more.


The greenationvideo channel on YouTube has some great videos featuring college students sharing their ideas on how to recycle and "go green" on campus, while also giving suggestions on how colleges and universities can improve already existing initiatives. 
This is a good example of recycling on campus
I also researched videos for how campuses across the country and world are being more environmentally friendly. Simple things such as turning off lights in unoccupied rooms/classrooms, using laptops instead of desktops since they use less energy, placing recycle bins in more areas, and walking instead of driving are great ways to start.

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